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What is Bruxism?

What is Bruxism?

Do you grind your teeth throughout the day? Your jaw might be sore by the end of the day. You might be like me and unknowingly clench or grind your teeth during stressful activities like driving or just performing normal tasks. It’s actually become a habit of mine that I cannot get rid of. Over the years, I’ve come to learn that this is actually related to a disorder called Bruxism. There’s actually different types: daytime and nighttime bruxism.

Why worry?

If this sounds like you, and you have not visited a physician, I highly suggest that you speak to them to find out your options of treatment. I suffer from daytime bruxism and it has been a challenge for me ever since I was a child. According to Dr. Jeff Burgess, a Doctor of Dental Surgery, “Chronic bruxism, based on published reports, can cause mild-to-severe tooth wear, tooth cusp fracture, attached gingival recession, tooth mobility, fractured restorations, masticatory muscle pain, and temporomandibular disorders.” (Burgess, 2017). He goes on to name additional symptoms that includes tinnitus, migraines, insomnia and depression.

What to do?

In that scary list above, I can tell you that there are a few symptoms from which I suffer which includes insomnia and tinnitus. I have actually sought help from my dental provider and medical providers to tackle some of the issues. In order to prevent dental damage, I was given a daytime mouth guard. This mouth guard is molded for my upper teeth to prevent me from fully clenching the teeth. Like most people who suffer from bruxism, I treat it as a habit, and it needs to be broken. There are several ways to overcome teeth grinding, and my personal solution is meditation. Self-awareness can go a long way. Bruxism is related to stress. When I’m nervous, I tend to grind my teeth unknowingly. Through meditation, a person can work on reducing their stress levels through breathing exercises and just becoming self-aware. However, I do believe that you should visit your dentist or a physician. Visit this blog from Watertower Dental Care to see other ways of breaking the habit.

What I use

There are different types of mouth guards that I’ve worn in the past few years including my prescribed daytime guard. The prescribed mouth guard is a choking hazard and I wouldn’t dare sleep with it in my mouth. I’ve purchased night time guards and they are very effective. Click the picture below to purchase mouth guards in the Fitnhealthlife Store. Don’t just get one! I highly suggest getting a pack because you wouldn’t want to use the same one for weeks….would you? Thanks for visiting FitNHealthLife!


Burgess, Jeff (2017). Bruxism Management: Overview, Definition, Etiology. [online] Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2066277-overview#a5 [Accessed 5 Sep. 2017].

Chakra Balancing with a bracelet

There’s a song that I hear nearly every day whenever my daughter watches a certain playlist of children’s songs on YouTube. It has been stuck in my head for days. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but for some reason, it vibrated something in me. The words would start with the colors of the rainbow. It goes as follows: “Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and violet makes a rainbow.”

It reminded me of the Chakra System! Now that this song is stuck in my head, every time I look down at my wrist, I sing the song in my head.

Now on to the Chakra system!

The Chakra Bracelet in the picture above, represents the 7 Chakras . It is said that these chakras are the “centers in our bodies in which energy flows through.” From red to violet, they are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and the crown. Each chakra is associated with the physical centers of our bodies as shown in the picture below.

(picture from mindbodygreen.com)

By wearing my chakra bracelet, it serves as a reminder to myself that I must maintain balance in all the centers of the chakra system. Through meditation, I can focus on different aspects of my life to bring fulfillment to specific chakras. In an article that I found called “What Everyone Needs To Know About Their Chakras” written by Deepak Chopra, he describes each chakra with its Sanskrit names and explains the meanings one-by-one.

Try meditating! You can work on a specific chakra by meditating and focusing on the colors that are associated with your needs. For instance, a person having issues (or blockage) in the root chakra might be dealing with survival issues, such as money and food. There are yoga techniques that can help that person bring balance to the root chakra. However, healing can from the color of the root chakra. Red is associated with the Root Chakra, so wearing red and eating red colored foods is said to have healing affects for the Root Chakra.

The following article is helpful for beginners who want to know more about the 7 Chakra System:

The 7 Chakras for Beginners by mindbodygreen

FREE Chakra Pendant available in the store! Just pay shipping and handling. There are several variants that can focus on one or all chakras!

from FitNHealthLife.com